Alumni Affairs Office, The Chinese University of Hong Kong是一家位於馬料水的大學,聯絡電話是+852 3943 7861,地址為馬料水Room 301, John Fulton Centre The Chinese University of Hong Kong,網址為http://alumni.cuhk.edu.hk/。
地址:馬料水Room 301, John Fulton Centre The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Google Maps查詢)
網站:http://alumni.cuhk.edu.hk/ (訪問Alumni Affairs Office, The Chinese University of Hong Kong網址)
電話:+852 3943 7861
Google地圖位置:(點擊查看Google Maps地圖位置)
簡體中文名稱:Alumni Affairs Office, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
簡體中文地址:马料水Room 301, John Fulton Centre The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Alumni Affairs Office, The Chinese University of Hong Kong是一家位于马料水的大学,联络电话是+852 3943 7861,地址为马料水Room 301, John Fulton Centre The Chinese University of Hong Kong,网址为http://alumni.cuhk.edu.hk/。