香港HANG SENG BANK HKSH Eastern District Advanced Medical Centre地址位置,營業時間和提供的服務 香港HANG SENG BANK HKSH Eastern District Advanced Medical Centre地址位置,營業時間和提供的服務

香港HANG SENG BANK HKSH Eastern District Advanced Medical Centre地址位置,營業時間和提供的服務

香港HANG SENG BANK HKSH Eastern District Advanced Medical Centre地址位置,營業時間和提供的服務
網點名稱: HANG SENG BANK HKSH Eastern District Advanced Medical Centre
地址: 2/F , 5 A Kung Ngam Village Road, Shau Kei Wan
營業時間: Self-service Banking service hours:
Subject to Medical Centre Business Hours
提供的服務: ATM
ATM with RMB
Barrier Free Access
Voice Navigation ATM

銀行地址:2/F , 5 A Kung Ngam Village Road, Shau Kei Wan (Google Maps查詢)
銀行Google地圖位置:(點擊查看Google Maps地圖位置)
簡體中文名稱:HANG SENG BANK HKSH Eastern District Advanced Medical Centre

簡體中文地址:2/F , 5 A Kung Ngam Village Road, Shau Kei Wan
网点名称: HANG SENG BANK HKSH Eastern District Advanced Medical Centre
地址: 2/F , 5 A Kung Ngam Village Road, Shau Kei Wan
营业时间: Self-service Banking service hours:
Subject to Medical Centre Business Hours
提供的服务: ATM
ATM with RMB
Barrier Free Access
Voice Navigation ATM